GODKILLER is getting published by Evil Hat Games!

I'm thrilled to share that the full version of GODKILLER is getting published by Evil Hat Productions!  The full release includes a physical book, additional Origins and character options, expanded GM tools, setting details, and new system variants for SOLO and MULTIPLAYER games! That's right: you'll get to slay gods all by yourself or with a daring crew of fellow heretics.

Evil Hat is the team behind such awesome games as Apocalypse Keys, Blades in the Dark,  Fate, Thirsty Sword Lesbians, Monster of the Week, Scum and Villainy, and so many other incredible RPGs. I'm so excited to be partnering with the Evil Hat crew for the full book and cannot WAIT to share more GODKILLER-related news with you all as the months roll on. Currently, I'm working on finishing the expanded text through July of this year -- then it's off to edits, art, and layout in the back half of 2024!

I'm also working on a thrilling actual play project that's gonna feature some of the expanded rules in the full game... more about that in the coming days and weeks ;)

To stay tuned to publishing-related announcements, I highly recommend signing up for Evil Hat's mailing list here.

Get GODKILLER: First Blood Edition

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Great to hear! Congrats!

Am starting a campaign of this in a few weeks and I cannot wait


Thank you so much and hell yeah! I hope you have a kickass time!